Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

New year, new book!


We’re celebrating 2014 by releasing our 19th title: Aga Bojko’s Eye Tracking the User Experience: A Practical Guide to Research. And here’s the “d’uh” statement of the young year: eye tracking is controversial. Some swear by it. Others, well…

I confess that even I was a bit surprised at how strongly people feel about the topic. That’s why I’m so glad GfK’s Aga Bojko wrote this book. Hers is a pragmatist’s perspective: while eye tracking isn’t, as some might claim, the greatest thing since sliced bread, it does offer incredible value when used in right situations. You know, like any other tool.

And, like any other hi-tech tool, it’s getting dramatically less expensive. If you’ve not yet encountered eye tracking hardware, you will in the not-too-distant future.

Are you ready? If not, we’ve got the book for you—beautifully written and illustrated, and hot off the presses.