Now published: The User Experience Team of One (2nd edition)!

New book signing! Sara Wachter-Boettcher to take Content Everywhere


We all love a challenge.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher is taking on a big one in Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure for Future-Ready Content (due out later this year).

Her challenge is to show you how to break content down and reassemble it into parts that make sense in a multi-device, multi-channel world. From improving deep navigation to leveraging microformats to developing a more semantic web. Content Everywhere will help you develop content that’s findable, adaptable, connectable, transportable, and easier to manage.

Tackling this topic will be no problem for Sara; after all, it only happens to be the cutting edge of both content strategy and information architecture. 😉

Sign up here to be emailed when the book is available for purchase (we’ll also send you a nice discount code while we’re at it). And, of course, you can keep up with her progress at the book’s site.