Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

Mobile First Design: Don’t Make This Mistake


On September 12, our next event, The Mobile UX Summit, is coming to your virtual office! We’ve askedJosh Clark, Brad Frost, Theresa Neil, Greg Nudelman, Jason CranfordTeague, and Mike Fisher for 27 tips and 2 case studies on designing mobile experiences. You’ll walk away with new mobile UX insight and skills, get some questions answered—and the session recordings are included with your registration.

This week we asked Theresa Neil about the most important mistake to avoid in mobile design strategy:

Theresa Neil: There is actually a clinical term for a harmful practice I see occurring in the mobile space; it’s called the Hipster Designer Disorder. This affliction is characterized by an intense need to create novel designs just to be different.

It can be addressed by familiarizing oneself with existing design patterns and usability best practices.

All joking aside, this problem costs companies time and money in creating custom controls and interfaces that are frequently confusing to their users.

Sign up now to reserve your virtual seat at our Mobile UX Summit on September 12!