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Luke Wroblewski to write book on web form design


We’re proud to announce that Luke Wroblewski has begun work on Rosenfeld Media’s newest title, Web Form Design Best Practices. You can visit Luke’s book-in-progress site and subscribe to its RSS feed.

Form design is one of those topics that, at first glance, may seem narrow. But form design is critical to the success of just about any web site. If forms don’t work, then transactions of all types—making a purchase, signing up for a mailing list, applying for a job, completing a personal health profile—won’t be’t completed successfully. Luke’s book will be a valuable tool to help web developers, interaction designers, and others plug this narrow but deep gap in their sites’ user experience.

Luke is an ideal author to tackle this topic. He’s currently Senior Principal of Product Ideation & Design at Yahoo! Inc. and Principal of LukeW Interface Designs. He’s the author of Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability, as well as numerous articles on design methodologies, strategies and applications including those featured in his own online publication, Functioning Form. And Luke’s recent articles and talks on web form design have been extremely well received.

Because we envision our books as dialogues, all Rosenfeld Media books are developed with extensive reader input. Each of our books has a dedicated site where you and the author can share information on (and questions about) the topic. Please visit Luke’s book site, subscribe to its RSS feed, and spread the word.