Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

Interview with Responsive Design Expert Aaron Gustafson


The Responsive Design Studio is quickly approaching! Join us in NYC, April 29-May 1, for three days with three multi-disciplinary experts: Sara Wachter-Boettcher, Jason CranfordTeague and Aaron Gustafson. Remember, you can get a hefty team discount if you register with three or more!

This week we sat down with Aaron to get his take on the world of Responsive Design. Here’s what he had to say:

Rosenfeld Media: You’ve had a lot of varied experience in the field of responsive design. If you could go back in time to give the younger you some advice on the topic, what would it be?

Aaron Gustafson: Be adaptable, but keep your eye on the big picture.

Things change so frequently in this industry that you can spend all of
your time trying to keep up with the latest techniques. It can be so
overwhelming at times that it becomes tempting to tune out and take an
“if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach. Balance is important. We
need to be flexible enough to allow ourselves room to change our
approach as we learn more about our medium while at the same time
viewing the latest techniques through a critical lens that takes into
account the true effect the adoption of a given approach, methodology, or
technique will have on the end product and how our customers
experience it.

RM: What are a few things that all UXers need to know about this topic?

AG: It’s important to realize that everything we do is connected. Whether
we are devising a business strategy, writing copy, designing
wireframes and interfaces, or authoring code, each decision, line, and
keystroke we make has a profound effect on the experience of using our

RM: Thanks, Aaron!

There’s still time to sign up for our Responsive Design Studio on April 29-May 1 in NYC! Join Aaron along with Jason CranfordTeague and Sara Wachter-Boettcher for a three-day intensive course that’s interdisciplinary by design (so bring your whole team). Hope to see you there!