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Good News, Bad News


Okay…the bad news first:

We recently had a fresh batch of Web Form Design paperbacks printed up and shipped to our distribution centers in three countries. After which we noticed, to our deep dismay, an odd printing defect: the title and author name were somehow omitted from the book’s spine.


The good news is that a new, more-carefully QA’d batch is now being printed. And if you have one of those books with the mysterious spine, here’s what you can do:

  1. Email us ([email protected]) a photo of the defective spine
  2. Let us know if you’d like us to mail you a new copy (please include a shipping address); or let us know if you’d like the ebook versions of another of our titles.

We recommend you go for the ebook version of another title. Obviously, we want you to read more of our titles, but really, we’re looking out for you. We’re convinced that the defective spine version of Web Form Design will be worth as much as this some day: