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Forthcoming book on eye tracking from Aga Bojko


Eye tracking applications are beginning to proliferate, and many vendors would have you believe that their particular technology will suit all of your user research needs. What’s needed is a clear, practical, and skeptical perspective on the method and the technologies to counter-balance the marketing noise.

That’s why we’re very happy to have signed Aga Bojko, a researcher at User Centric and editor at UPA’s User Experience magazine, to help make sense of eye tracking. Her book, Eye Tracking the User Experience (due out in early 2012), will offer practical step-by-step advice on how to plan, prepare and conduct eye tracking studies, how to analyze and interpret eye movement data, and how to successfully communicate eye tracking findings.

Please keep up with (and, when you can, contribute to) Aga’s progress by following her work at her book’s site (here’s its RSS feed). And of course, we’ll be glad to let you know when the book comes out (and send you a nice discount) if you request a publication notification>.