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AI for UX Research

2-day virtual workshop
June 20-21 2024, 8:00am-12:00pm PT

AI is one of the major forces currently driving the fourth industrial revolution in the world, and it’s here to stay. As UX research practitioners, there has not been a more exciting and scary time to work with AI. Recent advances in AI such as the popularity of tools like ChatGPT is reshaping the way we access data at scale, in ways we have not previously imagined. When a language model can pass the bar exam without going to law school and the US medical licensing exam without any input from clinicians, it’s time to pay attention. The concept of prompt engineering, for instance, is increasingly becoming the primary way that we interact with AI models in text form today, and increasingly an important part of user experience that UX researchers must learn to remain relevant and participate in today’s AI discourse. This workshop will cover:

  1. When and how to use AI in your research process
  2. How to position your insights for business impact
  3. How to move from chasing the AI hype to using AI to create meaningful experiences

Target audience

UX researchers in the industry looking to augment their research practice with AI


  • Get a solid foundation on some of the common AI concepts
  • Rediscover some of the traditional research techniques and apply them to AI
  • Leverage the Jobs to be Done framework to anchor AI explorations
  • Learn about Responsible AI concepts
  • What is prompt engineering and what are some best practices
  • Hands-on practice with prompt writing and evaluation
  • Tips on working with customers, stakeholders, and setting expectations



Intros and provocations (20 minutes)

  • Icebreaker and participant introductions
  • Why asking which AI tool is right for you is the wrong question to ask
  • Agenda for the day: 5 places where User Researchers need to play in 2024

AI Foundations (30 minutes)

  • Paradigms of computing
  • AI in plain language
  • Neural network in plain language
  • The wicked problems framework

Break (10 minutes)

Discover (45 minutes)

  • Why JTBD is important
  • Switch interviews
  • Job hierarchy
  • Common pitfalls
  • Exercise for deep listening

Interactive exercise (15 minutes)

Break (10 minutes)

De-risk (45 minutes)

  • Responsible AI
  • Key risks and challenges
  • Case studies

Interactive exercise (15 minutes)

Break (10 minutes)

Cooking with AI: Part 1 (30 minutes)

Dabble: Prompt Engineering 101

  • The psychology of LLMs
  • Language Model Basics (to be continued after lunch)

Lunch break (45 minutes)

Cooking with AI: Part 2 (45 minutes)

Design: Prompt Engineering 102

  • Prompt syntax
  • Elements of style
  • Returning to JTBD

Interactive exercise (30 minutes)

Cooking with AI: Part 3 (45 minutes)

Advanced Scenarios: Prompt Engineering 201

  • Assessing output quality
  • Building a prompt library
  • Case studies

Interactive exercise (30 minutes)

Future of UXR and AI (30 minutes)

Do: Let’s put it into practice

  • Business Impact of AI on UXR
  • Lessons learned
  • Upskilling with AI
  • AI Hype and Promises
  • Working with stakeholders

Community Discussion (30 minutes)
Closing (5 minutes)