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Apply to speak at Designing with AI, a new conference from Rosenfeld

January 17, 2024

We at Rosenfeld Media are so excited to announce the launch of a new virtual conference: Designing with AI 2024! This June, we’re moving beyond speculation about Artificial Intelligence’s impact on UX professionals—it’s time to address more pressing questions:

  • How can AI elevate the effectiveness and impact of UX professionals?

  • And equally important, how can we navigate and prevent the potential pitfalls resulting from hasty AI integration?

We’re looking for practical presentations—specifically, case studies and demonstrations—that show how UX pros are taking advantage of AI tools and technologies. Does that sound like you? Then please submit a proposal to speak. Submissions are due by January 28.

If you’re new to speaking, or a seasoned presenter who’s always looking to get better, our cohort-based presentation preparation process is packed with plenty of collaboration and iteration. So you’ll be prepared by the time you take the Designing with AI stage this June—and proud when you finish.

Please propose your presentation by EOD Sunday, January 28. Know someone who might be interested? Please send this email their way!