NEW BOOK! We Need to Talk: A Survival Guide for Tough Conversations

Enterprise UX 2017

June 8-9, 2017 | San Francisco, CA

The Enterprise UX 2017 conference was dedicated to delivering useful, delightful, and humane experiences to people who work for and in enterprises.

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About #EUX2017

Enterprise UX 2017 was for people who care about delivering great enterprise experiences—whether they work within an enterprise or for an enterprise software vendor.

Naturally that means mid- and senior-level UX practitioners and team leaders who are charged with researching and designing enterprise software and web sites. It also means product managers who know that research and design provide their products with a competitive edge. And it means engineers, developers, marketers, and decision-makers whose organizations stand to benefit when their employees and customers enjoy better experiences.

Program Themes

Theme 1: Crafting Enterprise Experiences

The enterprise setting forces us to redefine what “good” design means. We’ll explore how unique factors like complexity, scale, and lack of control can impact our craft and completely change our expectations.

Theme 2: Leading Teams That Execute

Design leaders need to do more than hire, train, and mentor great craftspeople. They must get people to work together as an interdisciplinary team, bound by a shared vision of what a successful enterprise experience can be. We’ll explore how successful enterprise UX teams work to create, own, and execute their visions.

Theme 3: Transcending Silos

Our work impacts other partners within our organizations, and our success depends on them as much as vice versa. To operationalize UX throughout the enterprise, you’ll need to have tough conversations with stakeholders in HR, IT, and other critical areas. We’ll explore ways to collaborate across silos, set expectations, establish shared goals, and raise the value of design throughout the enterprise.

Theme 4: Creating a Legacy

What factors ensure the growth and sustainability of enterprise UX—or indicate trouble ahead? How can we inoculate ourselves against factors that kill enterprise UX teams and practices? How do we craft a multi-decade vision for ourselves and our organization that inspires followership, and undying respect? We’ll learn from leaders who’ve been around long enough to tell great stories and teach valuable lessons of what makes or breaks an enterprise’s UX capabilities over the long haul.

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