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DesignOps Summit 2023

A Rosenfeld Media Virtual Conference | October 2-4, 2023

The premier event for people who lead design operations and teams

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About #DOS2023

The term “DesignOps” first surfaced in March of 2017—and by that November, the Rosenfeld team hosted this emerging profession’s first conference. Since then, attending the Summit has been an annual “must do” for people who make DesignOps their business.

The DesignOps Summit is where you find your true peers, stay up-to-date on the state of the art, and make new connections—regardless of where you are in your career or on planet Earth. Regardless of how long they’ve been in DesignOps, attendees walk away with new ideas, tools, and colleagues.

Program Themes

Theme 1: DesignOps is Changing

The pandemic, the war in Ukraine, layoffs, and now the explosion of AI… These global trends are directly impacting design organizations; we’ll cover what they mean and how they change the way you’ll practice DesignOps in the months and years to come. Curated by Jon Fukuda, Co-founder,

Theme 2: DesignOps is Practical

From design systems and documentation to AI tools and DE&I practices, we’ll address the approaches and techniques that you can and should adopt to impact your organization right away. Curated by Bria Alexander, Sr. Design Program Manager, Adobe.

Theme 3: DesignOps+

DesignOps is more than scaling and maximizing efficiency. We’ll dig into the human side of DesignOps, from nurturing your career and lifting up your team, to improving collaboration and growing a more inclusive DesignOps profession. Curated by Saara Kamppari-Miller, Inclusive DesignOps Program Manager, Intel.

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