Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

From Systems Thinking to Systems Doing: A Practical Approach for Service Designers

Systemic challenges require systemic solutions. Yet, designers’ efforts to bridge systems thinking to systems practice often fall short. When systemic design methods are imbued with complexity (from their application, to the language we use to describe them, to the perceived scope required), they risk abandonment, leaving us to settle for more “realistic” but less transformative approaches.

If you’re a systems thinker struggling to become a systems doer, join us to learn and apply an approach to systems oriented service design that is practical, yet not reductionist – simplifying the art of stepping into complexity, without simplifying the complexity itself. We will discuss (and question) the barriers identified before delving into the proposed approach. Participants are encouraged to enroll with team members so that they may utilize the session to explore applications of “systems doing” in their own work.