NEW BOOK! We Need to Talk: A Survival Guide for Tough Conversations

Advancing Research 2023

March 27-March 29, 2023 | Virtual

A ground-breaking conference created by researchers for researchers

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About #AR2023

Are you frustrated with the state of UX research? Does it feel like things have stagnated? We have good news and bad news — and they’re the same news: you’re not alone. Many of the research leaders and senior practitioners we speak with are feeling the same way.

Advancing Research is dedicated to how we can collaboratively re-assess the state of the practice, consider the increasingly complex demands being placed upon research teams and leaders, and work together to define clear roles, set goals, and establish scalable solutions for achieving them.

Program Themes

Theme 1: Research as a Transformational Force

Change can only be achieved when we raise up the voices of all—in and outside our walls. During Day One of Advancing Research, we’ll examine new ideas and practices from researchers like you who’ve made research more ethical and inclusive. And we’ll challenge ourselves to take a good, hard look in the mirror and see what we—as individual researchers and as a community—need to do to continue pushing for equitable change.

Theme 2: Researchers as Organizational Changemakers

Insight has immense potential to galvanize, transform, and act as a force for change within a business. At Day Two, we’ll dig deeply into compelling stories and case studies from insight teams that have successfully elevated their voices and created meaningful change at an organizational level.

Theme 3: Transforming Our Craft

As a practice, insight is early in its journey to maturation. During Day Three, we’ll learn from research practitioners who are advancing our craft— in terms of methods and communication skills—and by pushing our work beyond conventional research and toward true insight.

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