Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

All quiet?


As part of our “eating one’s own dog food” regimen, we’ve tried to proceed with building a publishing house from scratch at a careful (if occasionally pokey) pace, drawing upon many UX people and practices along the way. Not surprisingly, our announcements blog has been quiet these past few months.

Yet we’re actually quite pleased with the slow-but-steady progress; here’s a sampler of what’s cooking in the Rosenfeld Media kitchen:

  • Three books are signed and underway; please visit their respective sites and participate in developing their content. Books no longer have to be an author’s monologue; these book sites are where author-reader dialogues can happen.
  • We’re negotiating some exciting new titles with other potential authors. Speaking of which, are you pining to write the next great UX book? Visit our Writing for Us page to learn how to submit a proposal.
  • Our print books’ interior research and design are now complete, and user testing will take place this winter. Yes, you read it right: we’ll actually test our books’ design. We’re also hard at work designing how the PDF versions of our books will look and work.
  • A new service—something of a vertical mashup of UX people, books, and ideas—is finally nearing completion. If it succeeds, it’ll be a fantastic boon to the UX community. If not… well, it’ll have been a noble effort. Either way, we can’t wait to show it off, and hope you’ll participate.

That’s it for now; as always, we welcome your thoughts, advice, and encouragement.