
Medallia is the pioneer and market leader in customer, employee, citizen, and patient experience. As the No. 1 enterprise experience platform, Medallia Experience Cloud is the experience system of record that makes all other applications customer and employee aware. The platform captures billions of experience signals across interactions including all voice, video, digital, IoT, social media, and corporate-messaging tools. Medallia uses proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to automatically reveal predictive insights that drive powerful business actions and outcomes. Medallia customers reduce churn, turn detractors into promoters and buyers, create in-the-moment cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, and drive revenue-impacting business decisions, providing clear and potent returns on investment.

7 Simple Steps to Significantly Improve the User Experience (UX) on Your Website or App

When thousands of users land on your website or app, each with different intentions and device types, how can you ensure everyone has a frustration-free, flawless experience? Discover how to quantify user emotions, identify the bottlenecks that drive visitors away, and summarize data so it’s actionable.

Watch the webinar

Anticipate Each Customer: Boost Digital Conversion through Personalization

Most companies don’t address website/app issues until they’re costing them revenue. What if you could catch these issues before they hurt your bottom line? In this webinar, Medallia and Adobe experts show you how to proactively fix digital friction, design personalized experiences, and continuously improve through feedback.

Read the guide

Time Zone:

What drives customers to take the first step in their digital journey? What friction can knock their journey off-kilter or end it completely?

We surveyed thousands of consumers after they visited websites across multiple industries to understand how digital experiences can make or break customer loyalty – and ultimately, your bottom line.

In this session, you’ll see the results of our research and a data-rich deep dive on why website visitors fail to complete their intended missions, the barriers that cause them to give up, and where they go after a bad digital experience.