Experience the future of UXR at Advancing Research 2025

A new addition to the Rosenfeld Media family


No, it’s not another book signing, though news of at least one of those will be coming soon. Nor is it an incredible new library of UX-related content, though one of those is about to launch.

No, we’re proud to announce that Rosenfeld Media has given birth to a strapping, healthy, 34″, 200lb capacity UX Bookmobile! (And don’t act surprised; we’ve been showing for months!)

From conception to birth in 20 minutes. We’ll pretty it up with books and signage.

We’re going to try it out for the first time at next month’s IDEA conference in Philadelphia, of which we’re a proud sponsor. Our goals are to go where the people are, rather than hiding away in an airless, depressing exhibition hall. And avoid relying on conference bookstores. Oh, and selling some books would be nice. We’ll load up the UX Bookmobile with lots of our own paperbacks, and our iPad will be there too to show off our digital versions (in ePub and PDF). All will be heavily discounted.

If you’re at IDEA, please stop by, check it out, let us know what you think. And, of course, consider buying something—don’t make us feel like we’ve got an ugly baby! Many thanks to Michael Leis and Russ Unger for letting us test the idea out at IDEA.