DesignOps for High-Performing Teams: Aligning Design and Product Operations to Maximize Value Creation

2-day virtual workshop
October 5-6 2023, 9:30am-1:30pm PT

Design is a collaborative endeavor, and establishing an efficient operating model enables effective partnerships to achieve high performance across design and product organizations. Therefore, it’s critical that we determine the appropriate operational model to deliver on business goals effectively.

This workshop addresses challenges in establishing internal operating models for design teams and external engagement models with cross-functional collaborators. And it provides practical insights to transform your design org into a high-performing team. Together we’ll explore the benefits of alternative operational models and their impact on both the design team and cross-functional engagement models.

We’ll draw from real-world experiences and best practices to understand how to evaluate, measure, and optimize operational mechanisms (OpMechs) within design and product teams. And we’ll delve into assessing the efficacy of existing workflows, identifying areas of improvement, and reimagining end-to-end product and design processes to maximize business results.

Key points covered in this workshop:

  • Understand the significance of an efficient internal operating model for design teams
  • Evaluate alternative operational models and their effects on design and product teams
  • Assess how team models influence cross-functional engagement models
  • Align cross-functional processes to drive enhanced productivity and business impact
  • Identify the most effective OpMechs to ensure successful delivery of business goals
  • Strategize the roadmap to achieve seamless execution, focusing on prioritization, dependency reviews, planning, sequencing, and resourcing

If you have ever pondered how to empower your design teams and elevate their performance, join us in this workshop to uncover the transformative potential of operational models and cross-functional collaboration.

Target audience
This workshop is for Design Operations practitioners who need to review internal and external operational models to validate their design team’s structure and engagement model against efficiency and health metrics.

DesignOps and ProductOps practitioners with at least one or two years of experience who are looking for ways to create stronger and more effective cross-functional partnerships through improved engagement models.


  1. Unleash the Power of Design Culture and Collaboration: Gain insights into how your design team’s operational model can shape the design culture and foster seamless cross-functional collaboration.
  2. Elevate Your Design Team’s Performance with a Health and Efficiency Dashboard: Learn to assess the direct impact of your operational model on your team’s productivity and well-being to make data-driven decisions that drive continuous improvement and sustainable growth.
  3. Mastering End-to-End Cross-Functional Partnerships with Precision Metrics: Discover how to evaluate predictability, efficiency, and key performance metrics to ensure seamless collaboration across design and product teams.
  4. Innovate Your Product Design Process for Success: Reimagine your product design process: from road mapping and prioritization to dependency analysis, resource planning, and allocation, this workshop equips you with the tools to strategize and execute flawlessly.


Day 1

Section 1: Understanding your team’s operational model

  • Understand the design teams’ operational models and the implications of each model for collaboration and value generation
  • Assess your team’s set-up and engagement models
  • The role of organizational culture in how design operates

Section 2: Measuring the impact of your team’s operational model

  • Defining the dimensions of your team’s values
  • Creating a baseline measurement for the team’s ways of working
  • Define a team efficiency and health dashboard

Day 2

Section 3: Beyond the design team: working with the product organization

  • The role of DesignOps when working with product organizations: understanding the artifacts involved and how to use roadmaps collaboratively and efficiently
  • Assessing the end-to-end (E2E) product and design workflows: from road mapping, planning, prioritizing, and resourcing to delivery
  • Measuring the delivery capacity of product design teams: focus on predictability, waste, and ROI
  • Connecting how the design operational model influences and is influenced by the product organization

Section 4: Establishing and rethinking an efficient E2E workflow to increase predictability and efficiency metrics

  • Redesigning the workflows
  • Driving the transformation across teams, partners, and allies with participative change management strategies
  • Defining the long-term benefits of efficient E2E workflows: understanding ambidexterity and the impact of DesignOps on the organizational capacity to thrive.