Submit a Talk

Submit a talk
*Fields with asterisks are required.

Notes: Please do not include your name or organization’s name in this form as it impacts our ability to do an identity-hidden review. Also, we reserve the right to modify the information you provide about your session to address grammatical and spelling errors, and to fit our brand's voice and tone. We won't make major edits that change your message without your permission.

About Your Presentation

Keep it descriptive, catchy, and SEO-friendly.
A short phrase that captures the essence and positioning of your session – and sets it apart from the crowd.
Please tell us what the challenge is, how you address it, why it's an important issue, and why you’re qualified to address it. What conversation does it advance in our field? Does it challenge the status quo or otherwise pose a provocative take on an industry debate? Get us excited about your session!
Please provide a rough outline of your talk. If you’re proposing a format which isn’t a presentation (e.g., a panel or a fireside chat), please outline outline who will be taking part and a sense of the conversation topics you will cover.
Has this material been presented before?
What is the challenge you feel the industry needs to address to move forward? And how does your talk address this challenge, and/or help provoke and inspire the audience to think differently about their practice, techniques or field?


Tell us about the ideal audience for your talk. What is their main professional focus?
We are planning to experiment with formats that maximize opportunities for audience interaction. Would you be open to working with us to create a more interactive version of your presentation?
How long would your session ideally run?
Level of expertise of the audience
What is your proposed session's format?
If you intend to present activities or exercises that will involve audience participation either during or before the conference, for example - administering surveys or polls, please describe how you plan to incorporate attendees.

Additional Materials to Support Your Proposal

You may add 3 more files or links to information that will help us understand your proposed session. For example, this could be a fuller document outlining your proposal, an article which your talk is based on, the full case study which you want to walk through, or anything else which may help communicate your paper more fully. Please do not include any identifying information, such as your name, likeness, or employer.

Maximum file size: 125.83MB

Indicate number of speakers participating in this session:
Upon submitting this form, you will be taken to the speaker information form.

Please enter email address(es) of additional speakers

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