ReDesigning Wellbeing for Equitable Care in the Workplace

Monthly or even quarterly well-being sessions on caring for your mental heath aren’t enough to create inclusive and supporting workplace environments. In the teams that we cultivate and work with, there needs to be a foundation of care and autonomy that is integrated into the workflow. Equitable well-being should be at the core of creating an inclusive workplace and user experience for your customers and employees. In this interactive talk, we’ll explore the themes of capitalism, hierarchy, classism, and other harmful realities of inequity that hinder true equitable well-being in the workplace to better the employee experience.

We’ll dive deep into how to reimagine a workplace framework and environment that is grounded in overall well-being and inclusion. Through this, you’ll walk away with the knowledge and tools to push toward a dynamic of a more speculative and imaginative future that can be more freeing, and aligned with the well-being of people and all inhabitants, including the land, that can enable contribution to a healthier cyclical work environment.