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5 Antifragile Strategies for a DesignOps 2.0

The term “anti-fragile” comes from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s book “Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder.” It describes systems, organizations, or entities that not only withstand shocks, volatility, and stressors but benefit and grow stronger from them.

The current state of design is undoubtedly challenging and will continue to be volatile

We need strategies that move us out of defense mode, beyond resilience & mere product delivery, and position us as indispensable during times of transformation. In this talk, we explore five anti-fragile strategies for DesignOps 2.0, that will inspire you: New Work Models & Hiring Strategies, Ops beyond Design, Interconnectivity, Rise of the Chief of Staff, and (Anticipatory) Destination Teams.