Louis Rosenfeld

Lou Rosenfeld is an independent information architecture consultant for Fortune 500 corporations and other large organizations. He has helped a variety of large and highly-political enterprises make their information more findable, including Caterpillar, PayPal, Ford, AT&T, the Centers for Disease Control, Accenture, and the NCAA. Lou helps his clients with their information challenges at a strategic level—through mentoring their teams, evaluating their designs, beefing up their user research methodologies, and helping them find new talent.

Lou has been instrumental in helping establish the fields of information architecture and user experience, and in articulating the role and value of librarianship within those fields. Lou is co-author of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web (O’Reilly; 3rd edition 2006) and Search Analytics for Your Site (Rosenfeld Media, 2011), co-founder of the Information Architecture Institute, and a former columnist for Internet World, CIO, and Web Review magazines.

Lou is also founder of Rosenfeld Media, the industry’s leading provider of user experience books, training, and other forms of high-level UX expertise. He blogs regularly and tweets @louisrosenfeld even more so.