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Lou Rosenfeld
Principal, Rosenfeld Media

Lou Rosenfeld is Rosenfeld Media’s founder and publisher. Like many user experience folk, Lou started somewhere (library science), made his way somewhere else (information architecture), and has ended up in an entirely different place (publishing). Lou spent most of his career in information architecture consulting, first as founder of Argus Associates and later as an independent consultant. He co-founded the Information Architecture Institute and the IA Summit, the user experience network. And he does know something about publishing, having edited or co-authored five books, including the IA “bible,” Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, and Search Analytics for Your Site.

Sessions by Speaker
Becoming a Civic Designer: Making the Move from Private to Public Sector
Thursday, November 17, 2022 | 9:30am - 10:00am PT
Opening Remarks
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | 8:00am - 8:10am PT