Civic Design 2021 Resource List
These resources come from multiple sources: some were cited by Civic Design 2021 speakers during their presentations, and others were mentioned by the conference’s attendees during each presentation. We hope this list will give you a strong sense of who and what influenced Civic Design in 2021.
Wednesday, December 8
Innovating With People: Unleashing the Potential of Civic Design
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Du Gay, Pual. In Praise of Bureaucracy, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2000
- Stanford Legal Design Lab
- Service Design Network. Service Design Impact Report: Public Sector, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, 2016
- Hassan, Zaid. The Social Labs Revolution, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2014
- Tulloch, Gord and Sarah Schulman. The Trampoline Effect, 2020
- I-Teams: The Teams and Funds Making Innovation Happen in Governments Around the World, Nesta, 7 Jun. 2014
- Bason, Christian and Robert D. Austin. Design in the Public Sector: Toward a Human Centered Model of Public Governance, 9 Jun. 2021
- Danish Design Center. Toolkit: The Digital Ethics Compass. 2021
- Christiansen, Jasper. The MindLab Journey, Denise Withers
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Performance.Gov
- Bason, Christian. Design for Policy, Routledge, 2020
Leveraging Civic Design to Advance Equity and Rebuild Trust in the US Federal Government
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- The White House. Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, 20 Jan. 2021
- Federal Customer Experience Initiative. Customer Journey: Personal with an Intellectual Disability, 2021
- The White House. Study to Identify Methods to Assess Equity: Report to the President, 2021
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Young, Shalanda. “Meeting a Milestone of President Biden’s Whole-of-Government Equity Agenda,” The White House Briefing Room, 6 Aug. 2021
- Partnership for Public Service. IPA Talent Exchange Program.
Designing for Digital Inclusion in the Belgian Government
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Mariën, Ilse and Périne Brotcorne. “Digital Inclusion Barometer (Baromètre de L’Inclusion Numérique,” Inclusion Numérique, Jun. 2020.
(Note: Original only available in Dutch, French and German) - Microsoft Design. “Microsoft Inclusive Design Toolkit,”
- VRT. “VRT Signs Charter for Digital Inclusion: Nine Commitments from the Digital Inclusion Charter,”, 17 Sep. 2021.
- “ICT Usage in Households.” Statbel, 4 Feb. 2021,
- Digital Inclusion Brochure, Digital Open Belgium
(Note: Original only available in French)
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- “Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet,” Pew Research Center, 7 Apr. 2021
- Australian Government, Content Strategy Guide, 2018
- Brown, Kyle. “Apply the Strangler Fit Application to Pattern Microservice Applications,” IBM Developer, 13 Feb. 2017
12 Months of COVID-19 Design and Digital Response with the British Columbia Government
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- McChrystal, Stanley. Team of Teams; New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, Portfolio, 2015.
- Castells, Manuel. Communication Power. Oxford University Press, 2011
- Steuck, Wendy. “B.C.’s $10-million quarantine program seen as model for how to treat migrant workers,” The Globe and Mail, 15 Jul. 2020
- CBC News. “B.C. tree planters on track to plant 300 million trees, despite pandemic”, CBC BC, 13 Jul. 2020.
- Stewart-Weeks, Martin. “Can We Declare a Covid Dividend?” Public Purpose, 3 Apr. 2020
- The Exchange. “Evolution of the Exchange Lab”, BC Gov’t Exchange Lab, 23 Sept. 2021.
- The Exchange. “Ask Me Anything: Making Sense of the Inner Workings of Digital Delivery during COVID-19”, BC Gov’t Exchange Lab, 2 Mar. 2021
- Remacle, Heather-Lynn. “Harmonizing with the Noise: The Exchange in 2021”, Heather-Lynn Remacle, 26 Feb. 2021.
- Native Land Digital.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Edmonson, Amy. Teaming, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Public Policy for Jalisco’s Designers to Make Design Matter
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Hill, Dan. Dark Matter and Trojan Horses: A Strategic Design Vocabulary, Strelka Press, 2014.
- Plataforma Activa de Diseño (Design Department’s main programme. “pad.jalisco” Instagram.
- Emerge MX, Design Criticism Project, Kassim Vera, (Spanish)
- Archivo Jalisco Exhibition
- UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) Open Call
Shifting Toward Community-Led Innovation in Local Government
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- 2021 Designed by Community Fellowship, NYC Opportunity, 22 Jan. 2021
- City of Philadelphia, Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit Newsletter
- NYC Service Design Studio One Pager
- Innovation@MCG, Montgomery County, MD
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice. MIT Press, 2020.
- Escobar, Arturo. Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy and the Making of Worlds. Duke University Press Books, 2018.
- Design Justice Network
- Dick & Rick: A Visual Primer for Social Impact Design, Center for Urban Pedagogy
- Hooper, Emily. “The Hip-Hop Architecture Movement,” Architect, 13 Jun. 2017
- Fricker, Miranda. Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2007
Building and Sustaining Design in Government
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Enhancing Innovation Capacity in City Government, OECD, 26 Oct. 2019
- Nudging Seniors to Claim Tax Savings, Bloomberg Cities Network, 22 Jan. 2021
- Baker, Chris. “How Some Handwriting Saved Syracuse Taxpayers $1.47M in 4 Months,”, 29 Jan. 2019
- Schank, Hana. “Blight is Eating American Cities.” Fast Company, 10 Jun. 2019
- “How Human-Centered Design Helped Seattle Double Down on COVID Testing,” Bloomberg Cities, 1 Jul. 2020
- Paris Climate Adaptation, Urban Innovative Actions
- Dear Durham, Durham Expunction & Restoration Program, City of Durham
- Innovation Training, Bloomberg Cities Network
- Sioux Falls Office of Innovation and Technology
- Minneapolis Office of Performance & Innovation
- Baltimore Office of Performance & Innovation
- “European Alliance for Innovation opens a new office in Bratislava, Slovakia,” Slovak University of Technology, 13 Oct. 2020
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Wang, Tricia. “Why Big Data Needs Thick Data,” Ethnography Matters, 20 Jan. 2016
- Cities 101 – Number of Local Governments, National League of Cities
- Civic Service Design Tools & Tactics, NYC Opportunity, 5 Feb. 2017
Thursday, December 9
Sparking a Service Excellence Mindset at a Government Agency
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Goldstein, N., Martin, S., & Cialdini, R. B. (2015). The Small BIG. Adfo Books.
- Ridson, Chris and Patrick Quattlebaum. Orchestrating Experiences: Collaborative Design for Complexity, Rosenfeld Media 2018
- Sinek, Simon. The Infinite Game. Portfolio, 2019
- Reason, Ben, Lavroans Lovlie and Melvin Brand Flu. Service Design for Business: A Practical Guide to Optimizing the Customer Experience. Wiley, 2015.
- Rosenfeld, Louis. Redesign Must Die. Feb. 2014. Slideshare
- Ministry of Manpower. Recognizing our Lower-Wage Workers, Caring for Their Rest Needs, Co Lab, 2021.
- Service Design Network. Transforming Ministry of Manpower with Design and Data Hefen Wong – Singapore Ministry of Manpower, 2015. Slideshare
- Sosa, Manuel. “Design-Led Innovation in the Public Sector,” INSEAD Knowledge, 6 Jan. 2016
- Re-Design of Ministry Services Center, Service Design Lab. 2014
- Slater, Daniel. “Elements of Amazon’s Day 1 Culture,” Amazon Web Services
Practical People Skills for Building Trust on Teams and with Partners
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- “Understanding the Trust Equation: Trusted Advisor.” Trusted Advisor Associates – Training, Workshops, Trust Education, 27 Apr. 2020.
- US Digital Service Mission and Values
Civic Design at Scale: Introducing the Public Policy Layer Cake
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Public Policy Lab. Public Policy Layer Cake, 2021
- “The Designer’s Weakness: Understanding the Role of Power.” Vimeo, The Greater Good Studio, 2018
- Mahzarin R. Banaji, and Anthony G. Greenwald. Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, Delacorte Press, 2013
- Buzon, Darin. “Design Thinking is a Rebrand for White Supremacy,” Darin Buzon, 1 Mar. 2020
- Gao, Boyuan and Jahan Mantin. “How to Begin Designing for Diversity,” Project Inkblot and The Creative Independent, 18 Sep 2019
- Khandwala, Anoushka. “What Does it Mean to Decolonize Design?” AIGA Eye on Design, 5 Jun. 2019
- Tatum, Beverly Daniel. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?, Basic Books, 2017
- Williams, Lauren. “The Co-Constitutive Nature of Neoliberalism, Design, and Racism,” Sep. 2019
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- “Service Architecture: Aligning the Layers of Government,” The Centre for Citizen Experience, 25 Sept. 2014
- Zeiner, Adam. “Plotting Design Interventions as Points of System Leverage,” Design Institute for Health, 22 Oct. 2021
- Designing Usable Ballots, Center for Civic Design
Adopting a “Design By” Method
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Noel, Lesley-Ann. Critical Alphabet, 4 Oct. 2020.
- Creative Reaction Lab.
Ahmed, Ansari. “Design’s Missing Others and Their Incommensurate Worlds,” Design in Crisis, Adam Nocekand Tony Fry. 2020. - Thomas, David Dylan. Design for Cognitive Bias. A Book Apart, 2020.
- Akpem, Senongo. Cross-Cultural Design. A Book Apart, 2020.
- Creative Reaction Lab. Equity-Centered Community Design Field Guide. Creative Reaction Lab.
- Kleiman, Sherryl and Martha A. Copp. Emotions and Fieldwork. Sage Publishing, 1993.
- Van Dernoot Lipsky, Laura and Connie Burk. Trauma Stewardship. Berrett-Koehler, 2009.
- Miller, William R. Listening Well: The Art of Empathic Understanding. Wipf and Stock, 2018.
- Young, Indi. Practical Empathy. Rosenfeld Media, 2015.
- Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice. MIT Press, 2020.
- Dawson McGinness, Tara and Hana Schank. Power to the Public: The Promise of the Public Interest Technology. Princeton University Press, 2021.
- Weiss, Mitchell. We the Possibility: Harnessing Public Entrepreneurship to Solve Our Most Urgent Problems. Harvard Business School, 2021.
- Wilson, Amy J. Empathy for Change: How to Create a More Understanding World. New Degree Press, 2021.
- Vellani, Saleema and Amy J. Wilson. “Innovating Through Empathy to Thrive in a Divided World.” Forbes, 2 Feb. 2021.
- Harrell, Cyd. A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide. Five Seven Five Books, 2020.
- Penzey Moog, Eva. Design for Safety. A Book Apart, 2021.
- Nguyen, Hanh Nguyen and Hung Thanh Dang. Adaption of “Participatory Method” in Design “for/with/by” the Poor Community in Tam Thanh, Quang Nam, Vietnam. 2020.
- Sullivan, Brian. The Design Studio Method. Routledge, 2017.
- Elizarova, Olga and Kimberly Dowd. “Participatory Design in Practice,” UX Magazine, 14 Dec. 2017,
- Simonsen, Jesper and Toni Robertson. Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design, Routledge, 2013.
- Wilson, Amy J. “Moving from Design for ➜ With ➜ By,” Empathy for Change, 23 Apr. 2021
- Sahin, Nedret. “Design Justice, the More Equitable Sibling of Universal Design,” MadPow, 2021.
- Jones, Kenneth and Tema Okun. The Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture from Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups. Dismantling
- Bautista, Sharon. “De-Centering as A Design Method: Developing Proactive Approaches to Anti-Racism at Every Step of the Design Process.” IxDA21, 2 Feb. 2021.
- Krummeck, Katie, Eugene Korsunskiy and Gray Garmon. Reflections on Power and Privilege in Design: A Letter from Three White Design Educators. University of Texas at Austin, 2021.
- The Possibility Project.
- Dacanay, Honey. “Asking the Ultimate Awkward Question,” Honey Dacanay. 12 Jun. 2020
- Lordan, Grace, Teresa Almeida and Lindsay Kohler. “5 Practices to Make Your Hybrid Workplace Inclusive,” Harvard Business Review, 17 Aug. 2021
- “Research Through an Equity Lens: Q&A with Peter Nguyen and Jhacova Williams,” RAND Center to Advance Racial and Equity Policy
- Kontschieder, Verena. “Prototyping in Policy: What For?” Stanford Law School, 22 Oct. 2018
- Project Inkblot. “How to Begin Designing for Diversity,” The Creative Independent, 18 Sep. 2019
- National Community Development Institute. “Sources of Power,” NCDI, 2020
- “Visualizing Health Equity: One Size Does Not Fit All Infographic,” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 30 Jun. 2017
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Vlaskovits, Patrick. “Henry Ford, Innovation and that “Faster Horse” Quote,” Harvard Business Review, 29 Aug. 2011
- Hoffer, Dave. “That “Henry Ford” Quote,” Dave Hoffer, 2 Aug. 2017
- National Equity Project
- Jackson, Liz. “Empathy Reifies Disability Stigmas.” Vimeo, IxDA, 2019
- Noel, Lesley-Ann. “Decolonizing Design Thinking,” The Conversation Factory
It Takes GRIT: Lessons from the Small, but Mighty World of Civic Usability Testing
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- O’Neil, Daniel X and the Smart Chicago Collaborative. The CUTGroup Book: Finding Models for Community Engagement through Technology, 2019.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Sharon, Tomer. “43 Ways to Find Participants for Research,” Tomer Sharon, 3 Mar. 2018
RFPs Without Tears: Writing Inclusive RFPS that Don’t Scare Away Talent
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Bellweather Agency’s Request For Proposals (RFP) Template, 2022
- Lessard, Emily. “RFP Template for 2022 – Request for Proposal Without Tears,” Bellwether Agency, 8 Dec. 2021
- Find RFP
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- 18F, De-Risking Guide
- Core Policy for Procurement, British Columbia
Pipeline to Civic Design
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Zhuo, Julie. The Making of a Manager. Portfolio, 2019
- Holzwarth, Aline. “How to Actually Hire for Diversity,” Forbes, 18 Feb. 2021
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- “Americans and Digital Knowledge,” Pew Research Center, 9 Oct. 2019
- Civic Digital Fellowship
Friday, December 10
The Next 100 Years of Civic Design: How Might We Better Rise to Meet the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow?
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- “Two Loops: How Systems Change.” Vimeo, The Berkana Institute, 16 Dec. 2010.
- UK Government Design Council. Systemic Design Report, 2021.
- Escobar, Arturo. Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy and the Making of Worlds. Duke University Press Books, 2018.
- Wahl, Daniel. Designing Regenerative Cultures, Triarchy Press, 2016
- Goodchild, Melanie. “Relational Systems Thinking,” Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2021.
- Jones, Peter H. Contexts of Co-Creation: Designing with System Stakeholders, 2018
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Brush, Jason. “How Design Contributes to Toxic Individualism, and What Can Be Done About It,” UX Collective, 22 Sep. 2020
- Robinson, Carrie. “Hospicing the Old,” The Farewell Fund, 11 Jan. 2019
- First Peoples Principles of Learning, First Nations Education Steering Committee
- Solnit, Rebecca. A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster, Viking Audit, 2009
- Transition Design Seminar 2021 Resources
Trauma-Responsive Design: Reimagining the Future of Design Now
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Hirsch, Tad. Practicing Without a License: Design Research as Psychotherapy. 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Association for Computing Machinery, 21 Apr. 2020,
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 6 Guiding Principles to a Trauma-Informed Approach, Center for Preparedness and Response, 17 Sept. 2020,
- Linklater, Renee. Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies. Fernwood Publishing, 2014.
- Klein, Ezra. “This Conversation Will Change How You Think About Trauma,” The Ezra Klein Show, The New York Times, 24 Aug. 2021
- Rivera, Monique. Land Acknowledgement, Social Workers Who Design,
- Zaki, Jamil. “How the Trauma of the Pandemic Can Inspire Personal Growth,” The Washington Post, 1 Jun. 2020
- McKercher, Kelly Ann. “Who cares? Introducing a Model of Care for Co-design,” LinkedIn Pulse, 24 Jan. 2021
- Dietkus, Rachael, Morgan Cataldo and Tad Hirsch. “Practicing Without a License,” This is HCD, 26 Nov. 2021
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- SAMHSA’s Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative. SAMSHA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach, 2014
- Qualitative Research at Code for America, Code for America, 2020
- Civilla.Org
- Hoffer, Dave. “Design and Long-Term Thinking,” UX Collective, 28 Oct. 2021
- ChibByDesign
- “Positive Deviance,” Better Evaluation
Radical Participatory Design: Decolonizing Participatory Design Processes
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Udoewa, Victor and et al. “Helping the Next 4 Billion Go Online Part II: Prototyping Solutions for Digital Literacy Education,” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 23 Oct. 2016
- Udoewa, Victor and et al. “Helping the Next 4 Billion Go Online Part II: Prototyping Solutions for Digital Literacy Education,” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 30 May 2017
- Udoewa, Victor. “Radical Participatory Design.” Artifact: Journal of Design Practice. In Submission.
- Udoewa, Victor. “Redesign of a Service-learning Social Entrepreneurship Program for High School Students,” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 30 Oct. 2018
- Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice,” Design Research Society, 2018.
- Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice. MIT Press, 2020.
- Assil, R., Kim, M., & Waheed, S. “An Introduction to Research Justice,” Data Center Research for Justice, 2015.
- McKercher, Kelly Ann. Beyond Sticky Notes. Thorpe-Bowker Identifier Services Australia, 2020
- Creative Reaction Lab.
- Noel, Lesley-Ann. Critical Alphabet, 4 Oct. 2020.
- Design Justice.Org. Design Justice Network Principles.
- Additional References provided by Victor Odoewa
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Whiteness at Work
- Design Council, Design For Planet
- Participatory City
- Designing for Good, Aquent
Disasters and the 21st Century
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- US Forest Service Fire Suppression, Ten AM Rule
- US Forest Service. Sustainability and Wildland Fire, United States Department of Agriculture, 2017
- Solnit, Rebecca. A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster, Viking Audit, 2009
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Solnit, Rebecca. Savage Dreams, University of California Press, 2014
- Fink, Sheri. Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital, Atlantic Books, 2013
- International Association of Emergency Managers
- Vigneaux, Gregory. “Organizations as Complex Adaptive Systems: Insights for Managing Emergencies,” Gregory Vigneaux, 7 Nov. 2021
- Kimmelman, Michael. “What Does It Mean to Save a Neighborhood,” The New York Times, 2 Dec 2021
Anticipating Risk, Regulating Tech: A Playbook for Ethical Technology Governance
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Playbook for Ethical Technology Governance, Institute for the Future, 2021
- Taylor, Astra. Democracy May Not Exist, But We’ll Miss It When It’s Gone. Metropolitan Books, 2019
- “Anticipatory Governance,” Sustainability Outlook Scenario Perspectives 2009-2020, Institute for the Future, 2009
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- EthicalOS
- Responsible Tech Playbook. Thoughtworks, 2021
- Wylie, Bianca. “Urbanism Fall Lecture Series,” MIT Webcast, 1 Dec. 2021
- Clarke, Lee. Mission Improbable, The University of Chicago Press, 1999
- Eveleth, Rose. Flash Forward Podcast, 2021
Reflect and Chart Forward
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- The Maintainers Movement
- Procurement Cartoons and Comics, Cartoonstock
- Digital Citizen Advisor, Toronto
- Service Canada Labs, Government of Canada
- Technologists for the Public Good
Civic Design Book Thread
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- McGuinness, Tara Dawson and Hana Schank. Power to the Public: The Promise of Public Interest Technology, Princeton University Press, 2021
- Herd, Pamela and Donald P. Moynihan. Administrative Burden: Policymaking by Other Means, Russell Sage Foundation, 2018
- Scott, James C. Seeing Like a State. Yale University Press, 1999
- Noveck, Beth Simone. Solving Public Problems. Yale University Press, 2021
- Greenway, Andrew, et al. Digital Transformation at Scale. London Publishing Partnership, 2021
- Greenway, Andrew. Digital Transformation at Scale: Why the Strategy is the Delivery. London Publishing Partnership, 2018
- Heath, Dan. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, Currency, 2010
- Ertel, Chris. Moments of Impact, Simon & Schuster, 2014
- Parker, Priya. The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters, Riverhead Books, 2020
- Edmonson, Amy. Teaming, John Wiley & Sons, 2012
- Young, Indi. Practical Empathy, Rosenfeld Media, 2015
- Sijuwade, Amber Croyle. “A New Master’s House: The Architect Decolonising Nigerian Design,” Aljazeera, 10 Aug 2020
- Knafo, Saki. “Yemenis in Brooklyn Reclaim High-End Coffee,” The New York Times, 13 Nov. 2021
- Clear, James. Atomic Habits, Avery, 2018
- Schein, Edgar H. Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2011
- Schein, Edgar H. Humble Consulting: How to Provide Real Help Faster, ReadHowYouWant, 2016
- Schein, Edgar H. Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2021
- Jaffe, Harry S. and Tom Sherwood. Dream City: Race, Power and the Decline of Washington, D.C., Argo Navis
- Smigielski, Elysa. “Fellowship Panel: Shifting Away from Practitioner-Centered toward Community-Lead,” SDN New York Chapter, 14 Jun. 2021
- Davidson, Steph. “Anowa Quarcoo leads a passionate group that’s using technology to make Toronto a better — and fairer — place to live.],” Toronto Star, 5 Dec. 2021
- Godin, Seth. What To Do When It’s Your Turn (and It’s Always Your Turn), Do You Zoom, 2015
- Brown, Brené. Dare to Lead, Random House, 2018.
- Horn, Kanieti:io. Telling Our Twisted Histories, CBC Podcasts, 20 Oct. 2021