
Over a million creators use Sketch to create their best work, every day. Their co-founders started Sketch back in 2010 because they believed designers deserved better tools and that focus hasn’t changed. Today, with a ‘best of both worlds’ approach, Sketch combines an unrivaled native Mac app for editing and prototyping, with browser-based tools for collaboration, feedback, and handoff.

Overlays in Sketch — A Powerful Way to Make Prototypes more Interactive

Add modals, sheets, pop-up menus and more to your prototypes using Sketch.

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Rosenfeld Media Interviews Marcelo Marfil of Sketch

We asked Marcelo Marfil, Chief Design Officer, at Sketch some questions that get at the heart of why they’re passionate about enterprise design, what it’s like to work at Sketch, and what makes their products and services special to designops professionals.

Meet Marcelo

Introducing the New and Improved Sketch iPhone App

Mirror and browse your Workspace documents with our brand new app.

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