Design at Scale 2021-Responsible Design in Reality (Cennyd Bowles)

—> Fantastic to be here, so let’s get started


—> I’m here to talk about a revolution in ethical technology in recent years


—> I run a design studio in London focused on design ethics, and I’ll discuss industry trends and tensions I’m seeing. My thoughts fall into two buckets.
  • What do we do? What are  our responses?

—> The eruption of interest in design ethics coming from three tectonic plates converging from customer, regulatory, and employee pressure


—> For a long time the tech industry was optimistic, and industry scandals didn’t appear to be changing public attitudes
  • But now the public is losing confidence per Pew Research, and industry reputation fell off a cliff in the past five years


— We’ve reached point that only 19% of UK citizens believe, tech companies design with their best interest in mind
  • This is a horrifying indictment of ethical problems in industry, and a clear sign to do better


—> Driling into the stats, I see a common theme
  • People believe technology will have positive affect on them individually
  • But there is a murkier impact on society as a whole
—> Pattern is across multiple research studies


—> Public disquiet is creeping into the media, with documentaries like Coded Bias, Social Dilemma, and Black Mirror


—> Shows and programs reflect concerns about design ethics, and amplify fears that technology is harmful and out to get people


—> The press is also understanding of critical voices, and increasingly in contact with disgruntled employees of various tech companies
  • Spotlight on the field and growing disenchantment with industry
—> Something strange is happening though:
  • Expressed belief about industry and behavior around industry are dissonant with each other
  • Various tech stocks are up, despite souring of public attitudes, and people like technology despite best efforts of tech sector
  • There is a sense of being resigned to being abused by the products


—> Customers wants companies to behavior more responsibly and ethically


—> Per Salesforce research, there are key rewards that can be provided by ethical tech


—> It’s part of a wider narrative that a shift is overdue
  • Financial Times and Economist, paragons of business interest, pushing back on the current shareholder value model to focus on stakeholder capitalism


—> I’m also confident in saying that regulatory momentum will continue gather
  • Democracies haven’t really regulated technology, and left it to self-regulate, in contrast to more authoritarian states like China
—> This is changing with areas like privacy
  • GDPR in the EU
  • Local enforcement
  • Countries in India, Brazil



—> Expect more regulation outside privacy, such as limits on the use of facial recognition
  • AI decisions are in the spotlight, and EU has an appetite to regulate AI
  • California has already mandate to disclose when a bot used
  • Likely will see laws prohibiting synthetic content like “deep fakes”
—> Dark Patterns also run risk of being labeled fraudulent or anti-competitive


—> So is the point of tech ethics to avoid future regulation?
  • Have never witnessed that as explicit motivation in company’s worked with
  • But no one wants “bad regulation”, including the regulators
  • If tech sector takes challenges seriously, we can prevent “bad” regulation down the line


—> We’ve also seen employees learning to band together to push for ethical changes
  • Example of Google pushing back at DoD project that involved drones
  • There was also  a wildcat strike over sexual harassment and coverups at the company
—> Employee action is starting to trickle down into smaller firms
  • Clients I’ve worked with, even those without formal advocacy groups, there is still grassroots pressure on tech ethics
—> It tells me that technologists are deeply motivated by values and importance of the issues, and in a position of power and authority, with a responsibility to use that power responsibility
  • Activism will motivate a latent desire for better workplace and world
—> Companies will have to manage this



—> Moreover, younger entrants into work-force are more value driven, and know the luxury of having many options
  • They are being selective and tough on “toxic” brands


—> Example of Facebook losing its luster, as a result of its various scandals
  • Prudential reports now that 1/4 workers are looking for new job, and recognizing they hold a collective power
—> Tech employees are expensive and hard to hire, and can literally prevent nothing from being built


—> On surface, this looks like labor activism and makes the employers nervous


—> To certain extent this is is true:
  • But the activism is not around pay or conditions, but on changing ethical direction and social impacts


—> I’ve seen a surge of interest in technology ethics, categorized into three forms
  • Philosophical (Ethics is important and we need to learn from it)
  • Technical (Focused on AI and auditing algorithms)
  • Social Justice (Key feature that emerged in the US after BLM protests)
—> All are valid, but none sufficient on their own
  • Need to look at all angles, as well as climate and ecological issues


—> This causing a backlash against the tech-lash with teams feeling they’ve been painted into narrow corners
  • In the MIT Tech Review I wrote about Facebook’s Responsible AI group that was kept from key Facebook issues like hate speech and disinformation
—> There is a risk of “ethics washing” preventing significant change


—> So will the teams be setup for success? Or will they be boxed in by higher-ups?


—> Some companies are withdrawing from politics all together, such as Coinbase, which paid staff to leave the company over social justice issues.


—> This is understandable to a point
  • But there is profound self-deception happening there
  • It’s absurd for crypto company to say “we don’t do politics”, as cryptocurrency is an incredibly political sector
—> Choosing not to engage with political/ethical consequences is a choice, and a vote for the status quo
  • That’s okay, but this needs to be a conscious decision
—> Better to handle this thoughtfully, rather than say it’s not my problem


—> In addition, prominent ethics advocates are starting to be resisted and fired
  • Amazon fired employees over complaints about Amazon’s climate record
  • Google fired it’s AI ethics specialists


—> As a result of this, we enter a state of “akrasia”, where you know the right thing to do, but do the wrong thing anyway


—> Companies are aware their moves are damaging, but not making changes. This is due to things like
  • Inertia
  • Lack incentives
—> But mainly it’s a lack of operational knowledge, with no way to really tackle the issues
  • My work focuses on operationalizing ethics, especially with product and design teams


—> So we move to responses
—> What practical advice can I offer to people tackling these issues?


—> First, push every button:  tackle ethics at all levels, individual, collective and systems
  • As a caveat, I will not focus on systemic issues like capitalism in talk
—> I will focus on companies, collective, and thinking of issues individually as well


—> The first step in ethical design process is to de-center thinking, and consider what actors are relevant to the design process


—> As designers, we are trained to focus on the user, which is an understandable impulse
  • The accruements of UX design is assuming that people and tech have positive interaction


—> But, tech is sometimes imposed on people without their consent, and people might even want a negative outcome with the technology
  • i.e. Persona non-grata like  a terrorist or stalker
—> We need to broaden range of issues, and realize interactions might not be poistive


—> I spent three years at Twitter, where I encountered the Gamergate campaign, which was a systematic harassment campaign done under the pretext of pursuing journalistic ethics
  • Working at the company at that time was profound wake-up call
  • I recognized I could build/design things that would ruin people’s lives. And that I  worked at a company that did little about that fact


—> Moreover, even a positive interaction with one user, can damage other users


—> Helping someone buy a gun or an SUV, can damage safety of overall communities


—> We have a right to recognize impacts go beyond the individual, Tech impacts families, neighborhoods, and nations


—> UCD is inadequate for 21st century, where individual task success is promoted, but wider considerations ignored


—> Worst consequences will fall under non-users
  •  For example, if you live near an Airbnb rental, you suffer with local rents getting pushed up
  • Automation pushes people out of jobs
  • Policing algorithms are used against minorities


—> Design impacts social relations and power, and the impact of design falls on those who are already worse off under the status quo


—> Design justice attempts to square that circle, by recognizing design can address inequity and unfairness
  • Amplifying unheard voices and including them in the design and innovation process


—> Design also impacts social constructs and social goods like trust, democracy, and law and order and we need to account for them in design process as well


—> We need to label these things as worth defending


—> Also need to include non-human actors exploited in the technology process, where their survival depends on our stewardship



—> Lots of discussion over user/society centered, but we need to weight relevance of all stakeholders, and choose approaches that address their concerns


—> The metaphor I like to use is of mixing desks to synchronize disparate elements
  • Alternating between business needs and environmental needs


—> Next, need to think of anticipating user needs
  • Need to understand unintended uses and harms from work and making space to anticipate consequences
—> Closing natural loop of design, to understanding how the world influences a product and living up to natural responsiiblities of the technology


—> We can use tools like Ethical Explorer to explore ethical risks  with good prompt questions to start anticipation to imagine what might go wrong


—> Can learn from field of foresight and futures.


—> If you speak with ethicist, they will discuss moral imagination and discuss who wins/loses in imaginary scenarios
  • Many tools can be borrowed that look at consequences of decisions like impact maps and futures cones


—> Designers  also have a superpower, despite lacking the ultimate authority of executives and product people
  • Can make things that stimulate moral imagination and make future feel real
  • Takes decisions out of the future and into today
—> This can be done with things like design fiction
  • Example of Dutch Burn charging station for world of energy scarcity, which deals with who gets priority for charging
—> Designers prototyped RFID cards with people who were given high priorities versus probation IDs


—> Not saying this is  a correct solution, but rather asking right questions that shortcut the thought experiment, and bring people into process


—> Not useful to ask non-tech people to imagine evolution of tech
  • More effective to given them future and engage people with moral consequences of decisions



—> This work means we need space to think of impacts, but the space for anticipation is out of fashion


—> Lean/Agile are very empirical movements, but they treat ethical dimensions as something that can be fixed after release
  • Need to anticipate impacts today, not tomorrow
—> We need a way to make space for this anticipation, recommend design critiques as way to include more ethical perspectives
  • Need to start conversation, and give space for conversations


—> Once you have scenarios of what can for wrong, and need to figure out what’s most important


—> We need to lose habit, of thinking we are the pioneers in the field
  • People in other fields, from humanities on, have been exploring social impacts of tech for decades, and design has ignored them
  • It’s time we listen to these people
—> No guaranteed answers, but they will provide structure for debate


—> People think ethics is subjective and flimsy
  • In reality it’s far more robust and rigorous


—> Need to include other people in the process, and getting people who decide what is ethical
  • Currently, it’s the domain of  the elite and privileged
—> Talk about technologies process of democratization
  • Not falling into trap of thinking technocrats control direction of technology
—> We need to design with people, not to design for them exclusively
  • Starting to see progress in radical inclusion and participation in design


—> Once risks are evaluated then we need to do something
  • Defensive design can stop bad ideas from happening, but design can also look to see positive opportunities


—> Need to reframe how we think about responsibility and ethics, where too many people ethics as a negative influence that will slow things downs


—> Ethical thinking is a positive force, that will drive innovation and creativity
  • I like to use the analogy of a trellis that builds a frame which products will grow and lets them take on shape of your values
  • This will help you stand out in crowded marketplaces


—> Process is helpful but can’t be a one-off, need infrastructure to build an “ethos” of ethics,


—> Here we reach out to documents, benchmarks to track ethics, appointments and oversight boards and committees
  • Step into infrastructure slowly, and don’t make it a structure forced upon everyone else


—>  A process like this  is helpful, but just a start. Needs to be paired with critical mindset, and that takes guts.
  • You need safety to speak out, and I don’t judge people who don’t step up, as a comprehensive sense of safety is rare
—> If you feel comfortable, safe, and respected, you are in good position to speak-up and push for change we need in the field.


—> We need all the help we can get!



  1. It seems like many of the new privacy / tracking regulations all come down to just clicking “OK” in a privacy notification on every website we visit. What are your thoughts on that?
—> Fairly accurate statement of flaws of GDPR, which individualizes a collective problem, as users don’t fully understand consequences of their consent
—> Changes are afoot, and pending potential changes that will make it less clicking boxes, and more a whole browser experience
—> Apple is pushing the change, especially against  the ad-tracking industry
—> We also need enforcement of existing laws to make it work


2.  Have you seen examples of organized “I would not work at your company for these reasons” — where not just employees but potential employees can affect the policies or management?


—> Yes, there is a  movement of “Tech Won’t Build It”. C
—> There’s also a stigma: Lots of fairly well-sourced rumors that Uber employees who worked at the company when Travis Kalanick ran it have trouble finding work
—> Collective pressure is building in this space, but Tech Won’t Build It is biggest example