
Our virtual workshops are designed with you in mind. They combine the cutting edge expertise of some of the world’s leading UX experts with the same high quality that people love about Rosenfeld Media’s UX books and conferences. And they’ve been expertly virtualized; you’ll learn critical new skills from the comfort of your office or home—without feeling drained by the end of the day.

Power Tools for Participatory Research and Design

with Natalia Radywyl and Chelsea Mauldin
10 hours over 4 segments: November 29-30 and December 6-7
See detailed schedule

This workshop offers a pragmatic approach for navigating power through a project life cycle. We will guide participants through ‘power tools’ that PPL developed to check biases, engage our clients and communities of participants, inform theories of change and evaluation, define participatory methods, and guide product and service development.
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Civic Tech Facilitation and Strategy for Remote Meetings

with Kevin Hoffman
10 hours over 3 segments: December 13-15
See detailed schedule

This workshop will help you design effective remote agendas and facilitate using feedback loops that maximize everyone’s time and focus your conversations on outcomes. You’ll take these skills back to your department/team, improving your work culture. The workshop will pull extensively from Kevin’s book Meeting Design and his years of experience helping agencies and companies in workshops around the world.
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Design Hacks for Civic Design: Plain Language, Accessibility, and Cross-cultural Communication

whitney quesenbery headshotwith Whitney Quesenbery
10 hours over 3 segments: December 14-16
See detailed schedule

Want to break into the field of civic design? Or make the policy you are responsible for better?  Civic design is a lot like general UX design, but with extra attention to plain language, accessibility, and cross-cultural communication. That’s because civic design is the connection between all of us and government or other civic services, so no one can be left out. Civic design is also based in policy, so even if we can’t change the basic rules, we can still make those complicated policies human. Whitney Quesenbery, co-founder and director of the Center for Civic Design will be your guide through the workshop as the entire CCD team takes you through the core civic design hacks.
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