Speakers and Team


Edward Alton
Senior UX Designer, Ad Hoc LLC
Christian Bason
CEO, Danish Design Centre
Marisa Bernstein
User Research Specialist, Code for Canada
Ashley Cortez
Design Lead, NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, Service Design Studio
Sofía Delsordo
Programme Leader, Design Department, Ministry of Culture of the Government of Jalisco
Rachael Dietkus, LCSW
Social Worker, Design Researcher & Strategist and Founder of Social Workers Who Design
Joanne Dong
Life-centred Design, Systems Innovation (Si) Toronto Hub
Melissa Eggleston
User Experience Researcher and Designer, United States Digital Service
Shahzma Esmail
Public Interest Designer, Government of Ontario
Meghan Hellstern
Independent Consultant
Lashanda Hodge
Director of Customer Experience, CoE, GSA
Maya Israni
Digital Services Expert, United States Digital Service
Alicia D. Johnson
Principal & CEO, Two Lynchpin Road
Florence Kasule
Director Of Procurement, United States Digital Service
Emily Lessard
Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Bellweather Agency
Ilana Lipsett
Senior Program Manager, Institute for the Future
Yalenka Mariën
Designer & Design Operations Lead, Namahn
Shanti Mathew
Managing Director, Public Policy Lab
Sarah McArthur
Head of Innovation Practice, City of Melbourne
Devika Menon
Service Design Strategist, City of Philadelphia
Marie Mervaillie
Service / UX Designer, Namahn
Mari Nakano
Director of Design, NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, Service Design Studio
Maish Nichani
Co-founder, PebbleRoad, Ltd
Natalia Radywyl
Research and Evaluation Director, Public Policy Lab
Danita J. Reese
Service Design Strategist, City of Philadelphia
Gordon Ross
Vice President & Partner, OXD
Andrea Schneider
Project Manager and Lead, United States Digital Service
Owen Seely
User Experience Researcher and Designer, United States Digital Service
Nidhi Singh Rathore
Civic Design Lead, Montgomery County Government
Natalie Sims
Design Director, Public Policy Lab
Aaron Stienstra
Senior Design Strategist, GSA
Jennifer Strickland
Senior Human Centered Design, Accessibility Engineer
Victor Udoewa
Chief Experience Officer & Service Design Lead, NASA SBIR/STTR, NASA
Charlotte Vorbeck
Senior Experience Designer, Digital Service 4 Germany
Stephanie Wade
Founder and CEO, Ascendant
Kassim Vera
Head of Design, Ministry of Culture of the Government of Jalisco

Workshop Instructors

Kevin Hoffman
Head of Design Operations, Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the CTO
Chelsea Mauldin
Executive Director, Public Policy Lab
Whitney Quesenbery
Executive Director, Center for Civic Design
Natalia Radywyl
Research and Evaluation Director, Public Policy Lab

Conference Curators

Sarah Brooks
IBM Distinguished Designer, IBM
Ariel Kennan
Senior Fellow, Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
Charlotte Lee
Strategic Lead for CX and Innovation, Granicus

Conference Staff

Bria Alexander
Design Program Manager, Adobe
MJ Broadbent
CX Design Leader, Graphic Facilitator, Virtual Scribe
Melissa Burnett
Senior Design Cross-Product Lead, Dell Technologies
Michelle Chu
Independent Consultant
Karen Corbett
Senior Operations Manager, Rosenfeld Media
Lauren Cantor
Business Strategist, Freelance Consultant, Field & Edge, LLC
Adeline Crites-Moore
Associate Marketing Director, Rosenfeld Media
Martha Dorris
Founder, Dorris Consulting International
Michelle Kaplan
Director Business Development, UX Training & Event Sponsorships at Rosenfeld Media
Elle Kyle
Operations Coordinator, Rosenfeld Media
David Nicholson
Business Analyst
Ed Rosenfeld
Principal and COO, Rosenfeld Media
Lou Rosenfeld
Principal, Rosenfeld Media
Jason Shuler
Digital Content Marketer, Rosenfeld Media

Cohort Facilitators

Sylvie Abookire
Civic Design Researcher, The Lab @ DC
Georgiy Chernyavsky
Senior Product Designer, Citrix
Christian Crumlish
Product and UX Leadership Consultant
Nathan Heintz
Chief Innovation Officer, UFacilitate
Dave Hoffer
Managing Director - Inclusive Design and Accessibility, PwC
Melanie Kahl
Innovation & strategy director | Facilitator | Experience Designer
Sébastien Malo
Sr Manager Technology Enablement, CN
Karissa Minnich
Civic Design Lead, The Lab @DC
Kristen Ramirez
Experience Designer, Procore Technologies
Changying (Z) Zheng
DesignOps Lead, Cloudflare