Meet Benjamin Humphrey, CEO and Co-Founder of Dovetail

February 16, 2023

We are lucky to have so many wonderful sponsors of this year’s Advancing Research conference–and we thought you might like to get to know them better! We’ve asked all of them some questions that get at the heart of why they’re passionate about user research and ResearchOps, what it’s like to work with them, and what makes their products and services special to research professionals.

Rosenfeld Media: Why are you sponsoring this year’s Advancing Research?

Benjamin Humphrey:

We’re sponsoring Advancing Research because we want to support the community and take part in conversations that push the craft forward. This is a huge year for research. As we head into increasingly uncertain economic times, it’s now critical that businesses validate their decisions and ensure they’re building things that customers want. We also want to hear about big ideas. There are exciting trends like continuous research, AI-assisted research, and research democratization. These point to important developments as research matures and becomes an even more vital part of product development. Finally, we’re excited to catch the amazing presentations and, of course, to present to this awesome audience ourselves!

Rosenfeld Media: What excites you about research and/or research operations?

Benjamin Humphrey:

We make tools for researchers—so ResearchOps is always one of our closest partners whenever we’re rolling out Dovetail across an organization.

It’s an exciting role that is instrumental in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of user research. The function is particularly important for establishing major tooling solutions like insight hubs that make insights available for the whole organization. That’s what Dovetail is all about—so naturally, we find ourselves strongly aligned with anyone in the ReOps team.

We hope to deepen this relationship further this year when we release the community part of our product, which will provision Dovetail users with templates and best practices to help teams standardize and streamline their workflows.

Rosenfeld Media: What types of value and benefits do you/your product bring to the practice and our community?

Benjamin Humphrey:

Dovetail is a customer insights platform that allows you to analyze any customer data fast, no matter the method. We have a powerful suite of features to get teams from data to insights in minutes, including video/audio transcription, tagging, charts, and so on. Dovetail can also be an insights hub that allows researchers to store their insights linked to original data and evidence in a way that is accessible to the entire organization. By helping researchers get to insights faster in a reliable and rigorous way, we’re increasing their efficiency. In turn, this makes research become a more effective part of the product development process.

When insights can be stored and easily retrieved by decision-makers, this contributes to the overall impact of research in an organization. We hope our platform gives researchers tangible ways to evangelize the importance of their craft. Because when research has more buy-in, organizations build better products and provide better services. This is a win for researchers, businesses, and,
importantly—for customers.

Rosenfeld Media: What else should our community know about you?

Benjamin Humphrey:

We have big things planned at Dovetail this year. We’re building a versatile and efficient product that can support all types of research methods and any kind of data. Check out our blog if you’re interested in learning what we have on the horizon.

View Dovetail’s sponsor page for their scheduled sponsor activity sessions and more.