Gordon Ross
Vice President & Partner, OXD

Gordon Ross is Vice President and Partner at OXD, an end-to-end design and technology consulting firm headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. At OXD, he has been responsible for leading, designing, and delivering high impact digital services and civic experiences for the past 25 years. Gordon blends a deep interest in user-centered design and ethnography, with a commitment to  critically understanding the role technology plays inside organizations and in society at large. His value lies in bridging the gap between theory and practice in an accessible manner.

His leadership has produced innovative projects and successful services spanning justice (BC Ministry of Attorney General, Alberta Ministry of Justice, Legal Aid BC), public transportation (TransLink, San Francisco MTC), government digital innovation units (BC Ministry of Citizen Services, Alberta Digital Innovation Office, Canadian Digital Service), and civic government (City of Vancouver). He is a former 2-term Board Trustee of the Vancouver Public Library, a former member of the City of Vancouver’s Digital Strategy Advisory Committee, a co-founder of the Vancouver User Experience Group (2004), and regional advisor and organizer for Service Design Canada, host of the 2019 international Global Service Design Network conference in Toronto. His writing on legal design has been published in Design Issues (MIT Press) and he has presented globally at conferences like SXSW, SDinGov, ACM WebSci, SDN Global, WorldIA Day, and Rail~volution.