Who Civic Design is For

Primary audience: Civic Design 2021 is for designers and researchers of all stripes—User Experience, Customer Experience, Service Design, and more—who work in or with the public sector. These designers are often new to the public sector, its culture, and how it gets things done—and haven’t been exposed to the public sector’s best practices. In fact, there are few opportunities to learn those best practices because civic design itself is barely defined or established. At Civic Design 2021, designers will benefit from a professionally curated, high quality, and inclusive conference that will help them to:

  • Define and understand what it means to be a civic designer
  • Learn how civic design makes an impact through practical sessions presented by experienced veterans of the public sector
  • Consider how their work can and must impact the public sector’s future

Secondary audiences:

  • Public sector-serving analysts, vendors, recruiters, and service providers
  • Anyone who wants to help governments deliver better experiences to the people they serve

What Makes Civic Design 2021 Special

  • Uniquely inclusive: Unlike any other civic tech event, Civic Design 2021 is designed for a truly global audience of designers who work in and with all kinds of governments (from national to local). Our speaker roster reflects the diversity of civic designers, and includes representation from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  • A research-driven program: Prior to designing the conference program, our professional curation team conducted substantial research among the civic design community to identify content needs and determine appropriate conference themes.
    The program is highly selective: Beginning with a double-blind round of submissions, our curators reviewed each of the 150 submitted proposals closely—and accepted only about 20.
  • Diverse voices: Our speaker roster reflects the diversity of the people engaged in civic design; our curators strive to surface under-represented voices and perspectives, rather than relying on the name power of celebrities.
    Speakers are extremely prepared: Civic Design speakers spend months preparing their presentations in cohorts, aided by our curators, other speakers, and a professional speaking coach.
  • A truly designed experience: A clear narrative arc drives each day’s program, and serves as a cohesive through line for the entire three-day program.