Brigette Metzler
ResearchOps Lead, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water, and Environment

Brigette Metzler is a jump-in-with-both-boots kind of a person who is passionate about the democratisation of knowledge and the use of technology and research to get us there. Brigette believes ResearchOps plays a crucial role in scaling the impact of user research, and most weeks can find her talking about ResearchOps.

Brigette is the ResearchOps Lead at the Australian government Department of Agriculture, Water, and Environment. From 2017-2020, Brigette led the user research library at Services Australia. Alongside chairing several government communities of practice, she is also the co-chair of the ResearchOps Community, a global community of people discussing ResearchOps — the people, mechanisms, and strategies for scaling research.

You can find Brigette for a chat on Twitter at @BrigetteMetzler or LinkedIn here.