Advancing Research 2022 Resource List
These resources come from multiple sources: some were cited by Advancing Research 2022 speakers during their presentations, and others were mentioned by the conference’s attendees during each presentation. We hope this list will give you a strong sense of who and what influenced Research and Research Ops in 2022.
Wednesday, March 9
Opening Keynote: Better Futures (Devon Powers): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Afrofuturism: How Octavia butler is moving us forward. (n.d.). (Julie Mellby, Graphic Arts Curator, Princeton University Press).
- At McKinsey, widespread furor over work with planet’s biggest polluters. (2021, October 28).
- Clayton, Molly. (1/29/22) Mother says she was virtually groped by three male characters within seconds of entering Facebook’s online world Metaverse. Daily Mail
- Davis, A. P. (2022, February 16). A vibe shift is coming.
- Eagleton, T. (2015). Hope without optimism. Yale University Press.
- Frankl, V. E. (2013). Man’s search for meaning: The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust. Random House.
- Jenkins, Jr.Holman W., (1/18/22) Progressives vs. the Metaverse. Wall Street Journal
- Powers, D. (2019). On trend: The business of forecasting the future. University of Illinois Press.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
How Research Can Drive Strategic Foresight (Sam Ladner): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Arnett, J. J. (2008). The Neglected 95%. American Psychologist, 63(7), 602–614.
- Commonplace book – Wikipedia
- Martin, Roger – “Strategy is where to play and how to win.”
- Popper, R. (2008), ‘‘Foresight methodology’’, in Georghiou, L., Cassingena, J., Keenan, M., Miles, I. and Popper, R. (Eds), The Handbook ofTechnology Foresight, Edward Elgar, Aldershot
- Popper, R. (2008). How are foresight methods selected? Foresight, 10(6), 62–89.
- Tett, Gillian (2021). Anthrovision: A New Way to See in Business and Life. Simon and Shuster: London
- Voros, J. (2003). A generic foresight process framework. Foresight, 5(3), 10–21.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- What is STEEP Analysis – 5 Factors to Predict the Future
- Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic (WEIRD)
- Henrich, J. (2020). The weirdest people in the world: How the west became psychologically peculiar and particularly prosperous. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- Weber, Max – Bureaucracy
- Keep your powder dry
- Tools for storing/tagging/curating resources
M.C. Escher’s UX Research Career Ladder (Mackenzie Guinon): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Skills based hiring is on the rise (HBR)
- The emerging degree reset (Burning Glass Institute)
- Google creates $100M fund for skills training program (NYT)
- Amazon User Experience Research and Design Apprenticeship
- LinkedIn REACH technical apprenticeship program
- Facebook Research Associate Program
- White House State of the Union Expanding skills-based hiring and increasing access to registered apprenticeships and training
Resources I used to create my presentation
- MC Escher Collection
- Are we measuring our Lives in all the wrong ways?. Ezra Klein Podcast.
- Games and the art of agency. (2019, October 1). Duke University Press.
- C. Thi Nguyen. Objectionable
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Meyer, D. (2009). Setting the table: The transforming power of hospitality in business. HarperCollins.
Actions and Reflections: Bridging the Skills Gap among Researchers (Yoel Sumitro): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- What is Fitts’ Law?
- Hick’s Law: Making the choice easier for users
- The 7 Gestalt principles of design
- Dewey, J. (2007). Experience and education. Simon & Schuster.
- Fallman, D., & Stolterman, E. (2010). Establishing criteria of rigor and relevance in interaction design research. Electronic Workshops in Computing.
- Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the oppressed.
- George, S. S., Wulff, D., & Tomm, K. (2015). Research as daily practice. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 34(2), 3-14.
- Schon, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Hall, E. (2019). Just enough research.
- Young, I. (2015). Practical empathy: For collaboration and creativity in your work. Rosenfeld Media.
What Does it Mean to be a Resilient Research Team? (Brian Moss): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Emotional labour is a heavier burden for some of us | TED Talk
- Fischbach, A., & Schneider, B. (2022). Emotional labor work attributes and emotional labor climate: Toward contextualizing the study of emotional labor. Research on Emotion in Organizations, 141-160.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
Radical Participatory Research: Decolonizing Participatory Processes (Victor Udoewa): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Research Justice by Data Center
- Research & Data Justice by Coalition of Communities of Color
- Research Justice Toolkit by Power Shift Network
- Research Justice: Methodologies for Social Change (JSTOR version)
- UCI Newkirk Center for Science & Society Research Justice Shop
- Udoewa, Victor and et al. “Helping the Next 4 Billion Go Online Part II: Prototyping Solutions for Digital Literacy Education,” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 23 Oct. 2016
Udoewa, Victor and et al. “Helping the Next 4 Billion Go Online Part II: Prototyping Solutions for Digital Literacy Education,” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 30 May 2017
Udoewa, Victor. “Radical Participatory Design.” Design Science. In Submission. - Udoewa, Victor. “Redesign of a Service-learning Social Entrepreneurship Program for High School Students Part I: Design Research,” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 30 Oct. 2018
Udoewa, Victor. “Redesign of a Service-learning Social Entrepreneurship Program for High School Students Part II: Prototyping a Hybrid Expeditionary Service Learning Model.” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering. In Submission. - Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice,” Design Research Society, 2018.
Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design Justice. MIT Press, 2020. - Assil, R., Kim, M., & Waheed, S. “An Introduction to Research Justice,” Data Center Research for Justice, 2015.
- McKercher, K. A. Beyond Sticky Notes. Thorpe-Bowker Identifier Services Australia, 2020
- Creative Reaction Lab.
- Noel, Lesley-Ann. Critical Alphabet, 4 Oct. 2020.
Design Justice.Org. Design Justice Network Principles. - Additional References provided by Victor Odoewa
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
Thursday, March 10
Learnings from Applying Trauma-Informed Principles to the Research Process (Matt Bernius, Rachael Dietkus, Aditi Joshi, Alba Villamil): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Dscout + HmntyCntrd: Challenging company playbooks to workplace trauma. (2021, December 27).
- Lipsky, L. V., & Burk, C. (2009). Trauma stewardship: An everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Qualitative Research at Code for America
Resource Guide for Attendees
Created by: aditi joshi, Alba Villamil, Rachael Dietkus, & Matt Bernius
Definitions & Concepts
- Trauma is a response to anything that’s overwhelming and that happens too much, too fast, too soon, and/or for too long and is coupled with a lack of protection or support. Trauma is not simply an emotional or psychological response; it lives in the body, stored as sensation, such as pain or tension – or is a lack of sensation, like numbness. It is deeply contextual and does not impact us all in the same way.
Trauma is also systemic and structural. Black, brown, unhoused, migrant, trans, and other historically and intentionally excluded groups have disproportionately experienced trauma at the hands of the products, policies, services, and systems that have been created by those in power. - Some of the forms of trauma include:
- Acute Trauma mainly stems from a single distressing event. The event is extreme enough to threaten a person’s emotional or physical security. Examples include: house fire, car accident, physical assault, etc.
- Chronic Trauma occurs when someone is exposed to multiple, long-term, and/or prolonged distressing, traumatic events over an extended period of time. Examples include: long term serious illness, bullying, experiencing ongoing food or housing insecurity.
- Vicarious trauma & secondary traumatic stress stems from indirect exposure to traumatic events through stories or images. Examples include: front line workers who work with traumatized people, researchers interviewing individuals on sensitive topics like domestic violence.
- Collective trauma occurs when direct exposure to traumatic event(s) impact a group of people, community, or society. Examples include: Pandemics, living in a community experiencing ongoing violence.
- Intergenerational trauma happens when the traumas experienced by one generation are passed on to the next. Examples include: ongoing impact of alcoholism within a family, impact of historic racism on members of BIPOC communities.
- Complex trauma is a result of exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events and/or experiences. Complex trauma can, and often does, combine any of the above forms of trauma. Examples include: domestic violence, racism, childhood neglect, childhood sexual abuse.
- Traumatization is the initial experience (or experiences in the case of chronic or complex trauma) becoming embedded in the body. Retraumatization when new stresses activate someone’s existing trauma, leading to that trauma becoming more increased and further entrenched.
- The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s 6 Guiding Principles of Trauma Informed Approaches:
- Safety
- Trustworthiness & transparency
- Peer support
- Collaboration & mutuality
- Empowerment & choice
- Cultural, historical & gender issues
Web resources on trauma-informed approaches
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s guide to being Trauma-Informed
- Code for America’s Qualitative Research Practice Guide
- HMNTY CNTRD’s Organizational Response To Trauma Playbook
- Aditi Joshi’s article “Conducting research with a healing mindset.”
- Aditi Joshi’s audio documentary series for Code for America on the impacts of living with a criminal record: Jobs, Housing, and Mental Health
- Alba Villamil’s article about how designers can better impact disadvantaged communities and her Ethical Researcher’s Checklist
- Missouri Department of Health’s Maturity Model for Trauma-Informed Organizations
- The digital companion guide to Kelly Ann McKercher’s “Models of Care,” with specific resources related to trauma-informed practice and design
- Design patterns for mental health
- Tad Hirsch’s “Practicing Without a License: Design Research as Psychotherapy”
- Chicago Beyond’s “Why am I always being researched?”
Videos and podcast episodes on trauma and being trauma-informed
- Trauma-Informed Design panel with Rachael Dietkus, Sarah Fathallah, and Sara Cantor at Greater Good Studio’s Restorative Design Conference on October 2, 2020. Also, see Rachael’s medium article on Trauma and Design.
- Resmaa Menakem’s interview on intergenerational and racialized trauma from the On Being podcast.
- The Wisdom of Trauma a documentary on trauma centering on the work of Dr. Gabor Mate
- Nkem Ndefo speaking on Hurry Slowly about the Resilience Toolkit
Books related to trauma and trauma-informed approaches
- Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky and Connie Burk
- My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
- Decolonizing Trauma Work by Renee Linklater
- The Politics of Trauma by Staci Hanes
- Loss, Trauma, and Resilience: Therapeutic Work with Ambiguous Loss by Pauline Boss
- The Set Boundaries Workbook: Practical Exercises for Understanding Your Needs and Setting Healthy Limits by Nedra Glover Tawwab
- Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
- The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel A. Van der Kolk’s
- Beyond Sticky Notes by KA McKercher
Resources for talking with children about trauma
- The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld
- A Kids Book About Trauma by Megan Bartlett
Resources on self care
- Vivianne Castillo’s essays on the importance of Self-Care in UX Research
- The University at Buffalo’s School of Social Work framework for Self-Care
Organizations and groups offering workshops or open discussion groups on trauma informed approaches and self care
- Trauma-Informed Design Group meets monthly on the third Wednesday.
- Creative Reaction Lab combines education and civic engagement for racial justice & healthy living. We highly recommend their training sessions and their Equity-Centered Community Design Field Guide.
- HMNTY CNTRD is an award-winning organization that’s committed to transforming the status quo of being human-centered through courses, community, and consulting.
- Social Workers Who Design, a social justice and social impact design consultancy dedicated to advocacy and trauma-responsive practices in design, research, and organizational leadership.
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- The Four R’s of Trauma-Informed Care
- Evolution of Demographic Questions
- Qallunaat! Why White People Are Funny
- Sheri Byrne-Haber, CPACC (Accessibilitiy expert)
- Creative Reaction Lab
- The Humanity-Centered Masterclass
Taking Inspiration from Instructional Design for Research (Zen Ren): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Bloom’s Taxonomy explainer
- Design for How People Learn – Julie Dirksen
- Action Mapping (tutorial) – Cathy Moore
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Design for How People Learn
- Articulate – Elearning community
Research Democratization: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Kathleen Asjes): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Changing my mind about research practices · Gregg Bernstein
- Tell us what you really think: Jared Spool on democratizing research – Method in Madness by Dovetail
- Five dysfunctions of ‘democratised’ research. Part 1 — Speed trumps validity | by Leisa Reichelt | Medium
- Five dysfunctions of ‘democratised’ research. Part 2 — Researching in our silos leads to false positives | by Leisa Reichelt | Medium
- Five dysfunctions of ‘democratised’ research. Part 3 — Research as a weapon | by Leisa Reichelt | Medium
- Typical Designer–to–Developer and Researcher–to–Designer Ratios
- The organization’s design research maturity model | by Chris Avore | UX Collective
- Getting Started with Research Ops | by Emma Boulton | researchops-community | Medium
Friday, March 11
Improving Legacy Software: How Much Better Does it Have to Be? (Paula Bach): readings and other resources
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
Research in the Automated Future (Ovetta Sampson): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- Dori Tunstall – OCAD Dean of Design
- Papanek, V. J. (1985). Design for the real world: Human ecology and social change.
- Otto, Ton and Rachel Charlotte Smith. Design anthropology : A distinct style of knowing. (2013). Design Anthropology : Theory and Practice.
- Rachel Charlotte Smith – multiple design anthropology articles
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
Advanced Concept Testing Approaches To Guide Product Development and Business Decisions (Michaela Mora): readings and other resources
Resources mentioned in the presentation
- An Intro to MaxDiff (Best Worst Scaling) Analysis & Design
- What is a Conjoint Analysis? Types & Use Cases – Qualtrics
- What is the Difference Between MaxDiff and Conjoint Analysis?
Interrupted UX – Add A Dose of Reality To Usability Testing (Marc Majers, Tony Turner): readings and other resources
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Young, I. (2008). Mental models: Aligning design strategy with human behavior. Rosenfeld Media
- design strategy & inclusivity
Closing Keynote (Mike Davidson): readings and other resources
Additional Resources (mentioned by the conference audience)
- Mike Davidon Twitter
- Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2013). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.