Now published: Research That Scales by Kate Towsey!
Joshua Stehr
Service & Product Designer, Independent

Joshua Stehr helps organizations increase their regenerative impact through design, research, strategy and business model transformation. He is the volunteer Ecosystem Research Lead for Work On Climate where he identifies the barriers and drivers to transition the workforce to climate-positive work and helps form coalitions around targeted interventions. He has designed services for startups like Mended and CountOn to support people in switching to more circular behaviors. He also works with larger organizations and non-profits on strategic foresight and systemic interventions to transform the food and agriculture sector.

Since switching to freelance two years ago to focus on climate and social impact he has become discerning towards which organizations to work with in creating meaningful impact and challenging harmful patterns of the status quo, while balancing with pragmatism for those willing to change and aiming towards it but requiring time and deep transformation.

Sessions by Speaker
Assessing UX jobs for impact in climate
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm