{"id":3481,"date":"2024-04-02T13:32:48","date_gmt":"2024-04-02T17:32:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/rosenfeldmedia.com\/events\/futures\/?post_type=sessions&p=3481"},"modified":"2024-06-07T06:15:55","modified_gmt":"2024-06-07T10:15:55","slug":"killing-the-blank-page","status":"publish","type":"sessions","link":"https:\/\/rosenfeldmedia.com\/events\/futures\/sessions\/killing-the-blank-page\/","title":{"rendered":"[Case study] Killing the blank page"},"content":{"rendered":"

This talk is a case presentation about using generative AI and graph languages to come up rapidly with complex enterprise designs. We are using a repository based enterprise architecture tool and EDGY, an open source visual language, to feed GPT4 with context-rich queries. The resulting maps and models are … wrong.<\/p>\n

But they have proven to be inspiring or even triggering for conversations across a diverse stakeholder community, and shortcut our way to a set of correct and useful models that inform design decisions. Moreover they can highlight blind spots and interrelationships previously unknown and thereby enrich the design process with minimal effort.<\/p>\n
