{"id":2429,"date":"2020-10-17T17:45:09","date_gmt":"2020-10-17T21:45:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/rosenfeldmedia.com\/designopssummit2020\/?p=2429"},"modified":"2020-10-21T17:52:27","modified_gmt":"2020-10-21T21:52:27","slug":"meet-eduardo-gomez-ruiz-lead-ux-researcher-at-miro","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/rosenfeldmedia.com\/designopssummit2020\/2020\/10\/17\/meet-eduardo-gomez-ruiz-lead-ux-researcher-at-miro\/","title":{"rendered":"Meet Eduardo Gomez Ruiz, Lead UX Researcher at Miro"},"content":{"rendered":"

We are lucky to have so many wonderful sponsors of this year\u2019s DesignOps Summit conference\u2013and we thought you might like to get to know them better! We\u2019ve asked all of them some questions that get at the heart of why they\u2019re passionate about design operations, what it\u2019s like to work with them, and what makes their products and services special to design operations professionals.<\/p>\n


Rosenfeld Media: Why is Miro<\/a> sponsoring the DesignOps Summit 2020?\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Eduardo: <\/strong>We\u2019re really excited to discuss and tackle core questions around how the design and research systems built at companies best maximize quality, efficiency and collaboration for designers. Communication and collaboration practices are key to master in design ops, but also really complex! We think visual collaboration is one avenue to start building these better systems.<\/p>\n

Rosenfeld Media: What excites you about design and\/or research operations?\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

Eduardo: <\/strong>Design & Research Operations make the work of the entire team happen in a coordinated way. They facilitate the tools, processes, and ecosystem for researchers and designers to work effectively.<\/p>\n

My past experience working with Research Ops helped me see how much work goes into recruiting, scheduling, and compensating research participants and how much their support helps researchers be focused on their craft and stakeholder management.<\/p>\n

Rosenfeld Media: What is your culture like, who would design employees work with, and who are the champions?<\/strong><\/p>\n

Eduardo: <\/strong>The Design & Research team enjoys a very dynamic, fun, and collaborative culture. We show our \u201cunfinished work\u201d often to receive early feedback and we feel like we\u2019re an integral part of the product teams we support.<\/p>\n

Since the pandemic started, we have introduced a series of non-work-related sessions (team bonding, Design team water-cooler chat, \u201cI like\u201d sessions) that help us feel more connected with each other, learn from each other, and inspire us to become a better version of ourselves \u2013 which is one of our company values.<\/p>\n

Everybody contributes to this team culture, but we count three veterans who elevate our way of working and strengthen our culture:<\/p>\n